Friday, March 11, 2011

Healthy Eating Habit

Below about a healthy eating habits.

Children, visit the KEEP Cedar Mountain recently treated for malnutrition by the fourth grade students from Passiac County Community College Nursing Program.

In the third year nursing student Melissa Wendt, Martha Baez, Kelly Hart, Kayla and Shelly, under the guidance of their teacher Linda Siegrist, tips for teaching children about eating advice and guidance. They use the food pyramid as a visual aid, and each student turns over a range of foods, talk berbeza.

It's about the children in an interactive discussion ask the children to talk about their favorite vegetables, grains they eat and the importance of eating fruits, you also play some games and aktiviti associated with young children with the food pyramid.

The nursing staff offers students enter as the party of class assignment requiring them lectures both for the children after school programs, pengakap or pregnant women.

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