Monday, March 7, 2011

ADA Shifting its Stance About Carbs?

It's about ADA shifting its stance about carbs?

You might be surprised to know that the past two decades, the American Diabetes Association was a kind of cheerleader for carbohydrates. Yes, I speak of 'organization whose mission is to promote education and research to prevent diabetes and alleviate the suffering of people with diabetes. What is diabetes? This is essentially a disorder of the body's ability to process carbohydrates. This includes type 1 and type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and all other points of the spectrum of diabetes.

In light of this, you'd think that limiting carbohydrate intake would be a priority in educating people about handling these disorders. And yet, the ADA jumped right onto the Food Pyramid bandwagon and began to advise people to get at least 55% of their calories from carbohydrate, such as in this Food Pyramid for Diabetes. In 2008, they made one exception: diabetics trying to lose weight could follow a low-carb diet for up to one year; this was later loosened further to two years. But still they did not recommend a low-carb diet for health, blood sugar control, or preventing progression of the diabetes.

Now, to be sure, the ADA is not yet changing their basic stance. Nowhere on the latest update of the Web site is it stated that diabetics should follow a low-carb diet. On the other hand, there is no longer anything I can find that says to eat over half of calories from carbohydrate, either. The former food pyramid, as far as I can tell, has vanished, and there are several hints that low-carb eating is becoming a bona-fide option. There are statements such as, "Understanding the effect of carbohydrate on blood glucose levels is key to managing diabetes. The carbohydrate in food makes blood glucose levels go up." Although diabetics are still advised that "a place to start is at about 45-60 grams of carbohydrate at a meal.", (yikes) it goes on to say to adjust from there. Even though this is not what most of us would call a low-carb diet, for most people it is a reduction from their previous advice.

[Side note: I also notice it doesn't actually say 45-60 g/meal is a good place to start. If that actually controls someone's blood glucose, that's great, but I would think that in the cases where it doesn't, it would be more disheartening to subsequently take more carb away. Why not start lower, and then add? Also, most likely, the person for whom this works is losing weight - a phase which doesn't last forever.]

Even more intriguing to me are three articles in the March 2011 edition of the ADA magazine "Diabetes Forecast". The first is called The "ADA Diet" Myth, which claims that there is no such thing as the ADA Diet! (Who else was having this hallucination?) Instead, Stephanie Duncare, director of nutrition and medical affairs for the ADA says, "For more than 15 years now, ADA has recognized that people with diabetes should eat in a way that helps them reach their blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight goals. For some, this means a relatively higher-carbohydrate diet, and for others, the diet may be lower in carbohydrate". Well, hallelujah to that, especially if the goal is "normal blood glucose" (normal meaning "a blood glucose level that will not cause further damage in the pancreas").

Read more from this source.

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