Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to boost your metabolisme

Above about tips to boost your metabolisme.

The first step is having real food available and choosing mostly food that has either been directly caught or picked. That means minimally processed foods and eating balanced meals consisting of lean protein, healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables or whole grains. Being prepared, and not having junk in the house is the first step. Don?t worry if you can?t eat like this all of the time. If you eat healthy 80% of the time, you should eat without guilt 20% of the time.

My recommended food pyramid has activity at the base and then whole grain foods two to three times a day; a small amount of healthy fats with each meal; vegetables in abundance; fruit two to three times a day; nuts and legumes one to three times; fish, poultry, eggs two times; dairy one to two times a day. On top is red meat, butter, and white (flour) foods. Finally, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and consider 3-4 cups of green tea to boost your metabolism. If you?re dehydrated, you might think you?re hungry.

The second step has to do with portion control. I suggest using a 12-inch plate and dividing it into quarters. Each quarter holds a protein, starch, vegetable, and salad. That way you can?t over eat the starch or protein.

It is also really important to eat at regular intervals so you are not totally famished when you eat. That is a common problem for people who end up binge eating and eating more calories late in the day when they are easily stored as fat due to your metabolism slowing down. Of course starting with a healthy balanced breakfast and eating every 3-4 hours is best to keep your metabolism working for you.

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