Sunday, June 21, 2009

Healthy diet must follow the food pyramid

Above aboit the important of food pyramid.

As individuals we all can do a better job of choosing foods to help us have a healthy diet. A healthy diet is hard to commit to and often we simply do not food-pyramidknow what foods we should be eating to have a healthy diet. This is why the Food Pyramid was created. To help us make the best choices to keep us and healthy and happy. The food guide sets the guidelines for picking foods is represented on a triangular shape pyramid. There are different types of pyramids, but they all have this in common. While choosing to have a healthy diet is no sense of the word easy, the food guide developed for us will make things a little easier for us. The Food Pyramid shows us where we should focus when we select foods that we pick foods. The pyramid displays that the food most that we should be eating the most at the bottom and moves upwards to the foods that we should eat less of.

The basics of the food guide, is to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and to reduce the intake of saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol as well as limit sweets and salt. And when you drink, drink in moderation or not at all. Control portion size. The best way to do this is to use a smaller plate when you are fixing a plate for yourself or your family. Include physical activity to your day. This does not have to be going to the gym and doing a hard core workout. The body should not be static and should be moving. The food guide places the foods we ought to eat in different categories such as dairy products or meat and beans group to help guide you in your food choices. No single food group offers you all the nutrition that you need so making to a goal to eat from all major food groups is a must for having a healthy diet.

How does one ensure of using the Food Pyramid effectively. It is not complicated, it is easy to use and follow. The problem comes in when you actually have to put into action. It is important to choose variety foods from each and every food group. This will ensure that you get all the vitamins, protein, calories, fiber and minerals daily. A good way to make sure that you all getting everything you need is adapt your healthy diet plan to your specific taste. For instance, you don’t have to just eat a slice of bread to meet your grain requirements. You could have wild rice or pasta instead. And can combine foods from each group. Like grain groups and bean group.

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