Saturday, June 6, 2009

Coconut good for people with thyroid

Here's about the good of coconut.

Not all fats are bad fats. This may sound strange to most people, but even though coconut oil is a saturated fat, it is an excellent food choice for people who are suffering from hypothyroidism. People who want to lose weight can benefit from using coconut oil in their diets.

All fats have been unfairly lumped together and we are taught that they are all bad for us. This couldn't be further from the truth. There are good fats to eat, like olive oil and coconut oil. These two oils are especially good for your thyroid gland.

Over time, restrictive diets that try to drastically cut down your fat intake will only lead to weight gain. Your thyroid gland needs the proper nutrients to work efficiently. In fact even though the food pyramid we have all been taught about has done nothing but result in more overweight fat Americans. The truth is, humans need certain fats in their diets to stay healthy.

Having hypothyroidism is no picnic. You feel fat, tired and sluggish. It has been proven that if hypothyroid suffers add at least 4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day to their diet they can begin to lose weight. Adding this excellent food choice to your diet can benefit other health problems as well. It is all natural and made from coconuts. You can bake brownies and cookies with it or use it on toast. It is just an all around excellent food product for people with thyroid problems who want to lose weight.

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