Sunday, May 31, 2009

The main focus of diet

Here's about the main focus of diet.

Dr. Fuhrman's food pyramid reflects his belief that "protective fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts" should "be the main focus of the diet." He disagrees with health authorities who advise Americans to add more servings of fruits and vegetables to our diet. He writes, "Thinking about our diet in this fashion doesn't adequately address the problem. Instead of thinking of adding those protective fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts to our disease-causing diet, the foods must be the main focus of the diet itself."

According to Dr. Fuhrman, the Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of 51% refined and processed foods, 42% dairy and animal products, and only 7% fruits and vegetables. A recipe for disaster.

Eating a diet that consists of mostly plant-based foods, i.e. vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts, allows us to add a few servings of food to our diet as condiments. Occasionally, we can enjoy foods that are not plant-based and still follow a nutrient-dense, low-calorie and low-fat, disease-proofing diet.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Foods diet

Above about food diet.

Many foods in diets are simple to prepare, such as fruits, salads, The book advocates a diet of 75% food in order to prevent degenerative diseases, | Recipes | Detox Out of all species on the planet, how many cook their food? Just one. The Foods evaluates the Raw Diet: What it is, how it is supposed to work, and if it's The food diet is rich in nutrients. It's full of fiber and it's low in fat A food is based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods. Considerable time, energy, and commitment is needed to be healthy on the diet. The Raw experiences of a Vegan Family, health and nutrition information eBooks, DVDs, and online video downloads, podcastsMany find the raw compelling due to dramatic weight loss stories, as well Many foodists think that the more their is made up of food, the Get everything related to the and living diets right here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Balancing diet while pregnant

This about balancing diet if pregnant.

Energy needs of each person is different and, in general, pregnant women are encouraged to increase daily calorie consumption up to 300 kilo calories. This is the same as:
• 2 pieces of wheat bread with cheese or
• 200 grams of yogurt with 45gram grain cereals / oatmeal or
• Additional ½ cup rice or additional ½ cup noodles for dinner or
• 1 cup skim milk, 1 sheet of meat / poultry / fish size and 150gram yogurt

A clear, very important for pregnant women to make healthy and balanced diet, consisting of all food groups, such as susu, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, fat and carbohydrate. Thus, you will be able to get a sufficient amount of energy. Use healthy food pyramid as a guide select the food and remember to continue to eat a varied.

At the bottom of the food pyramid is a healthy food that should be consumed frequently as low fat, fiber rich and filling. Some options carbohydrate food source is rice, wheat cereals, bread, stringy, basmati rice, brown rice, noodles and pasta. In the middle of the pyramid is the food should be eaten with a portion secukup as much protein, various types of vitamins and minerals. Some options are meat, fish, chicken, seafood, eggs, know, bean, peanut, pea and low fat dairy products. Do not forget to add fruit and vegetables each day.

Meanwhile, the food should be eaten only a few located on the top of the pyramid. Because of this many foods contain sugar, fat, salt and alcohol. Although the fat is important, but the fat should be consumed only a little because we have received the body fat Feed the pattern of eating in normal day-to-day. It is a good idea to avoid the weight does not need to contain at!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Guide for loss fat

Above are some guide for loss fat.

The current wording, you can find different definitions of the food pyramid should be performed by a simple Google search.Nutrition food pyramid shows that you should eat more vegetables, dried peasi, lentils, cereals, bread, fruit and nuts.

We need to eat lean meat, eggs, fish, chicken (without skin), milk, yogurt and cheese in moderation. Finally, in small quantities for the supply of oil, margarine, reduced fat spreads, butter and sugar.

Wow. No wonder, because the lines are growing in size.

It ‘amazing that the authority is food pyramid. May recommending that people should eat some of food pyramid.

It is not enough to think that Australia is the only one to ride this line oorganización nutrition. They were the best of a food pyramid group. At least they were vegetables, fruits and objectives behind the food pyramid. Any organization which advocates for bread and cereals were consumed more in the list.

May you believe joke. Unfortunately, I am very seriously my friend. Jeualler for word, because that is what he is doing a little of themselves, with these recommened, every day. You are just their way of excavation of an early death.

New look, food pyramid ?

First, the food pyramid we must eat more vegetables including first, followed by lentils, fruits and nuts.

Next group of the food pyramid are the foods manager moderation. This is meat or meat alternatives such as fish, chicken, eggs, to name three examples. Limit intake of red meat.

Food pyramid must be eaten in moderation dairy products like butter, milk and yogurt as pasta and rice. I recommend once a day for most people looking to lose food pyramid.

No, you do not supply products football. This is what the marketing of dairy products, and organizations such as the power is to believe, but you have enough calcium from fish such as salmon, canned (mangiare bones), nuts, fruits, vegetables (especially leafy vegetables) and dry beans.

Food pyramid that should be on top of the food pyramid that you must include as part of a proper cheat meal occasionally. These include such highly processed foods such as bread, sweets or fast food.

Yes, I am the bread of this bad group. Here’s how it is prejudicial to the achievement of the maximum loss of fat. The bread is processed. Is not growing in soil, or a vine or a tree, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts or do. It is highly processed garbage took the burning of body fat.

Also, do not include sugar, cereals less fat spreads or margarine. These food pyramid contain trans fats are the cause of its size, to extend the line every day.

Sugar has no trans fats, but it is a poison on its own initiative. There is enough natural sugar without the addition of fruit to keep all those who drink coffee or sweets or soaked sugar cereals for breakfast.

In conclusion, it is controversial in May, but if the recommendations that I have instead of what the authorities recognized nutrition food pyramid preach to you, I am very confident that you’re seeing and enjoying the great Fats that is spreading at a rate as ever before.

Being a pioneer, to change their food pyramid and have a higher fat Aert results that will soon be known. What you have to lose except the extra body fat?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Advice for take a healthy food

Here are the advices.

Top five reasons I love the advice given by Mark Bittman in the book Food Matters:

1. Realistic
2. Easy to follow
3. Provides reasons to eat better that will appeal to people who care about their health, their weight and appearance, the environment, sustainability on local communities., government involvement in the food supply and/or animals and industrialized farming.
4. Provides amazingly simple and delicious recipes
5. Awesome statistics highlighted in the margins that you can remember and quote to other people such as:

  • It takes 2,400 calories worth of energy to produce one bottled water.
  • The America Food Pyramid recommends a higher intake of dairy than vegetables (and we know how I feel about this) and seven of the 13 committee members that developed this pyramid have ties to food and/or drug companies.
  • Every American eats, on average, one cup of sugar a day.
  • If conventional (factory farmed) meat had an ingredient label on it, it would include the following: dried cattle manure, blood meal, coffee grounds, chicken fat, hydrolyzed feather meal, ground limestone, cooked municipal garbage, potato waste, dried poultry manure

I’ll meet you at the MickyD’s drive through. Quarter ounder with cheese please! Barfarrific.

Additionally, he asks his reader some very good questions when posed with the whole local versus organic quandry. “Can a head of lettuce that travel 3,000 miles still qualify as ‘organic’?”. No Mr. Bittman. No it can’t.

Bittman break it down and makes you just want to eat better, or as he refers to it, eat sanely as if food matters. And since you are reading my blog, I know that you think it does. He throws in some great guidelines like eating mainly plant based foods, meat on occasion, having treats but good ones, and avoiding the processed and packaged as much as possible- and provides solid, rational, well researched reasons for all of the recommendations.

The information is inspiring, but how do you then put it into practice? You do so with the delightfully simple collection of over 75 veggie and non-veggie recipes that round out a great book for the natural and non-natural-but-needing-some-change eater. And we all fall into either one of those categories, or likely somewhere in the middle. The recipes are straight forward and for the most part health supportive, though I tend to keep my food a little cleaner. They are great for the food transitioners who aren’t quite ready to accept a big bowl of steamed veggies topped with hemp seeds as a complete meal (that’s what I had for dins tonight with my momma).

And if reading just isn’t your thing, book mark this post and come back when you have twenty minutes to watch Mark Bittman’s talk at TED.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tips for losing weight

Above are the tips on how to lose weight.

Losing weight is difficult for everyone. Wouldn’t it be great if there was magical weight loss food: you just eat it and fat loss happens? Sadly, there’s no food which does that. Nevertheless, some foods do help.

1. Choose food you like. Going on the cabbage-soup diet is a big mistake if you dislike the taste of cabbage. The same goes for fish, tofu and other so-called “weight loss food”. If you don’t like it, you won’t eat it and instead reach for the junk food. Likewise, don’t turn to slimmer shakes or bars if you don’t like them. You’ll end up treating them like a punishment and “reward” yourself later with other, less nutritious fare. Food is meant to be enjoyed.

That’s not to say you can’t experiment. There are countless recipes available, many of them low in fat, calories and carbohydrates. Many recipes are healthier versions of dishes that are notoriously sinful. Look online to see for recipes that combine new weight loss food with ingredients you know you like.

2. Follow the U.S. Food Pyramid. The familiar pyramid is a very reasonable guideline to choosing the best nutrients for your body. While it doesn’t list weight loss foods, by following the pyramid, you will be eating more nutritious foods, such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein while avoiding added fats, sugar and salt. Follow the pyramid’s guidelines and you will lose weight.

3. Find reasonable ways to meet your cravings. Do you find yourself regularly wanting a milk shake? Then it may be that your body needs more dairy products. Think about what you’ve been eating lately — is it short of dairy products? If so, grab a piece of low-fat cheese instead. Likewise, if you are craving sweets: have a piece of fresh fruit instead of candy. While it’s not a slimmers’ food, fruit is far better for you that the junk in the vending machines, yet it will satisfy your sweet craving.

4. Drink water before eating or drinking anything else. Many health experts believe that what most people think of as hunger pangs (the growling stomach, etc.) are really signs of dehydration. So, if you think you’re hungry, drink some water before you do anything else. If there is such a thing as weight loss food, it’s water: It fills you up and it flushes excess fat and calories out of your system. It is fat, calorie and carbohydrate-free.

5. Consider your budget. Quite often, the latest fat-free food on the market can be expensive. Food producers know that virtually everyone wants to lose weight and will pay good money to do so. If the latest miracle berry or diet potion is too expensive, don’t buy it. People have been able to lose weight and keep it often before those products came on the market, so should you.

Choosing foods which help you to diet is fairly simple: go for reasonable portions of protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables; and avoid junk food and second helpings. If you eat healthy foods (and eat them only when you’re truly hungry), you will lose weight.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The new food pyramid

Here's about new food pyramid.

Th­e­ F­o­­o­­d G­uide Py­ra­mid was­ cre­ate­d mo­re­ than­ te­n­ y­e­ars­ b­y­ the­ Un­ite­d S­tate­s­ De­partme­n­t o­f Ag­riculture­. The­ fo­o­d­ p­yramid­ i­l­l­us­trate­s­ w­hat the­ US­DA s­ai­d w­e­re­ the­ e­l­e­m­e­n­ts­ of a hea­l­t­hy­ f­ood py­ra­m­i­d d­iet. Th­e f­ood Py­ram­id w­a­s t­a­ught­ i­n scho­o­ls, t­he­ m­e­di­a­ a­nd bro­chure­s, ce­re­a­l bo­xe­s a­nd fo­o­d la­be­ls. I­t­ se­e­m­s t­ha­t­ t­he­ la­st­ w­o­rd o­n e­ve­ryt­hi­ng t­ha­t­ w­e­ re­a­lly co­m­e­r.

F­o­o­d gui­de py­r­ami­d i­s a­ fa­bl­e­. N­o­t the­ wa­y to­ a­ he­a­l­thy di­e­t. We­ we­r­e­ to­l­d to­da­y the­ fo­o­d­ gui­d­e py­ram­i­d­ i­s base­d o­n we­ak e­vi­de­nc­e­. Has no­t­ c­hange­d o­ve­r t­he­ ye­ar t­o­ re­fle­c­t­ m­aj­o­r advanc­e­s i­n unde­rst­andi­ng t­he­ re­lat­i­o­nshi­p­ be­t­we­e­n di­e­t­ and he­alt­h.

Re­ce­n­t­l­y, t­he­ USDA­ w­i­t­hdre­w­ t­he­ o­l­d fo­o­d­ guid­e py­ram­id­ an­d replaced it with­ m­y­ py­ram­id, a n­ew sy­stem­ of­ sy­m­b­ols an­d orien­tation­. Th­is rev­ision­ is prim­arily­ th­e resu­lt of­ th­e f­o­o­d pyramid h­is sid­e.

G­o­o­d­ n­ews ab­o­ut­ t­he ne­w­ fo­­o­­d pyr­amid :

• F­o­r t­h­e po­o­r an­d buried in­ py­ramids.

The­ ba­d ne­ws­ a­bo­ut f­o­o­d py­r­amid.

• T­he n­e­w fo­o­d pyr­amid do­es­ no­t give us­ eno­ugh­ inf­o­r­m­a­tio­n to­ h­el­p us­ m­a­ke inf­o­r­m­ed decis­io­ns­ a­bo­ut o­ur­ diet a­nd h­ea­l­th­ in th­e l­o­ng ter­m­.

• W­e co­n­tin­u­e to­ r­eco­mmen­ed­ th­at ar­e n­o­t essen­tial fo­r­ go­o­d­ h­ealth­.

• The amo­­u­nt o­­f­ f­o­­o­­d reco­­mmended in May­ also­­ b­e harmf­u­l to­­ o­­u­r health.

….. So­, what­ t­o­ e­at­ t­o­ st­ay­ he­alt­hy­ an­d t­o­ be­c­o­me­?

A n­ew f­ood pyr­a­m­i­d gu­ide p­u­blish­ed in­ ea­rly J­a­n­u­a­ry 2005:

• We will co­ntinue to­ f­o­cus­ o­n weigh­t co­ntro­l;

• fats we­r­e­ conside­r­e­d b­ad. Th­e­ ne­w gu­ide­line­s e­m­­ph­asize­ low and to lim­­it ou­r­ satu­r­ate­d fats. No h­ay­ lim­­it ar­tificially­ low in fat. Th­e­ last pie­ce­ of adv­ice­ th­at is r­e­com­­m­­e­nde­d to ar­r­iv­e­ b­e­twe­e­n 20% and 35% of calor­ie­s fr­om­­ fat. Th­e­ n­e­w­ food py­r­amid g­u­id­el­ines a­l­so­ r­eco­g­nize the po­tentia­l­ hea­l­th benefits o­f po­l­y­u­nsa­tu­r­a­ted­ fa­tty­ a­cid­s a­nd­ m­o­no­u­nsa­tu­r­a­ted­ fa­ts;

• com­pl­ex ca­r­bohy­d­r­a­tes­ i­s­ a­ ter­m­ us­ed­ i­n­ the pa­s­t tha­t ha­s­ l­i­ttl­e bi­ol­ogi­ca­l­ s­i­gn­i­fi­ca­n­ce;

New­ f­ood p­y­ram­­i­d am­ericans reco­m­m­end­ l­im­it­ing int­ake o­f sugar and­ st­ressl­es b­enefit­s o­f wh­o­l­e grains;

• Th­e guidel­in­es­ s­ugges­t eatin­g h­al­f­ th­e grain­s­ as­ ref­in­ed s­tarc­h­, ref­in­ed s­tarc­h­, but ac­tin­g l­ike or s­ugar, add em­pty c­al­ories­, h­ave advers­e m­etabol­ic­ ef­f­ec­ts­ an­d in­c­reas­e th­e ris­k of­ diabetes­ an­d h­eart.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mediterranean diet pyramid

This is the new mediterranean diet pyramid.

A new Mediterranean Diet Pyramid? Was something wrong with the old one? No! The creators of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid have just updated it to reflect the latest science.

Here's what's new:

  • All plant foods — fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes, seeds, olives and olive oil — are grouped together and form the largest part of the pyramid.
  • Herbs and spices are now part of the pyramid. They add flavor and aroma and reduce the need for fat and salt when cooking.
  • Fish and shellfish are recommended more often, at least twice a week, in recognition of their unique health benefits.

The pyramid still emphasizes:

  • Being physically active and enjoying meals with others as the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Choosing the least processed forms of plant foods. Fresh, raw and lightly cooked vegetables, fruits and whole grains retain fiber and most of their nutrients.
  • Using olive oil for cooking, baking, and for dressing salads and vegetables. Extra virgin olive oil is highest in monounsaturated fat and phytonutrients.
  • Enjoying cheese and yogurt in moderation — preferably low-fat versions.
  • Serving poultry more often than red meat. Lean red meat should be limited to several times a month.

Since the Mediterranean Pyramid was introduced in 1993, extensive research has corroborated the healthfulness of this cuisine, which has demonstrated the highest average life expectancy and the lowest rates of chronic diseases among adults. People have taken notice: Over the past 15 years, many restaurants, cooking shows and cookbooks have embraced this way of meal planning.

Even so, many still struggle with eating red meat only a few times a month. I know I've gradually (sometimes even grudgingly) changed my eating habits to make plant foods the main focus of meals. I now fill at least three-quarters of my plate with vegetables, whole grains and fruit. I'm also eating fish and seafood at least twice a week, choosing low-fat cheese and yogurt, and limiting eggs to once a week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tips to train kid eat vegetables.

Here's the tips.

Most parents struggle with training their kids to eat and enjoy vegetables. As a mother who despises vegetables this is particularly challenging because it is literally painful to model for the children. The food pyramid recommends 5 servings of vegetables, but my friend that works as a nutritionist suggests 10 servings a day. My oldest two children can be reasoned with and we can talk about the benefits of eating vegetables, however, Nisha presents a challenge all on her own. Now that the novelty of food has worn off and she has experienced the joys of tasting junk food, she tries to hide and give away her vegetables at the dinner table. So, how do I can I train the kids to eat and enjoy vegetables? The following techniques have been successful in the Tague household.

1) Dips! What toddler doesn't like to dip their food? Instead of using the staple of ranch dressing
(which isn't so good for you) I have started making dips made from vegetables or beans. Sounds gross, huh? The kids love it! One of the favorites at my house is a sweet potato puree with caramelized onions, a little garlic, salt and pepper. I throw all of it in the food processor and the kids never know that there are actually two vegetables in the dip. The kids like to spread that inside sandwich wraps and dunk their raw veggies in it. A variation of that is using a can of white beans, garlic, lemon juice, pepper, salt, and tahini or sesame seeds. Again, throw it all in the food processor and out comes a protein packed dip or spread. The bean spread is also yummy on crackers or toast.

2) Make the portions fun and small! I found a package of colorful silicone cupcake molds at Walmart, which I use to cook and serve the kid's vegetables. I found that if I chopped the vegetables very finely (squash, zucchini, peppers, onions), sprinkled a little cheese over them, and put them in the oven for 15 minutes, the kids seemed not to notice that they were eating an assortment of healthy vegetables. An even more exciting option is to turn the cupcake molds over and place shredded potatoes over the top. I bake them until they get crispy and remove the molds. The potatoes make something that looks like a bird's nest- which I use as a bowl for cooked vegetables or salads.

3) Try making your own variation of a salsa. While my kids hate tomatoes (which I can't blame them) we tried making a green salsa with avocados finely cubed, cilantro, caramelized onions, corn, peppers finely chopped, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Stir it all together and serve it on tortillas or over chicken. Sometimes, we make this at my house for a quick snack with chips (
OK, the chips aren't such a great choice, but they are yummy).

4) Have you ever tried zucchini pizza crust? Just stick a couple of zucchini in the food processor, mix with an egg, a little flour, and some Italian herbs. Press onto a silpat, bake for 10 minutes, then add your favorite toppings. My kids liked the tinted crust and never knew they were actually eating vegetables. Score!

5) Homemade vegetable chips are cheaper than the Terra versions at the grocery store. Thinly slice sweet potatoes, beets, or any other root vegetables. Brush them with a light coating of oil, add salt and pepper and stick them in the oven for half an hour. If you don't like chips, but do enjoy french fries, try substituting sweet potatoes and cook as you would a french fry.

6)Hide them in the burgers! While some people are totally against hiding vegetables in kids' food, I say it is a good way to expose them to different vegetable flavors. We make turkey and salmon burgers every week at our house. It only takes a minute or two to finely chop peppers, onions, and spinach to throw in the mixture. These can be cooked on the grill or on the stove top.

So, how do we keep track of all the vegetables we are eating??? We use a magnet system. I bought a pack of magnetic circles, printed off pictures of vegetables and fruit and mounted them to the magnets. We put our collection on the side of fridge. As we eat a serving of fruit or vegetables throughout the day, the kids move one magnet per serving over to the front of our fridge. At the end of the day, theoretically, all of the magnets should be on the front of the fridge. Some days we meet our goals, others we do not. However, this is a simple way to help the kids and I aware of what we are eating.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Food Pyramid for diabetics

Above is about food pyramid for diabetics.

There is a Food Pyramid that was created especially for diabetics who need help managing their eating plans in order to keep their blood glucose levels low. There are six different groups on the diabetic food pyramid, which each vary considerably in size. The largest group on the diabetic food pyramid is the grains, starchy vegetables and beans group, and is located on the very bottom of the pyramid. The smallest group is the fats, alcohol and sweets group, and is located at the top of the pyramid. The larger, lower groups require more servings per day, and the smaller, higher groups require significantly less. You should eat as very little from the fats, alcohol and sweets group as you possible can, as the foods that fit into that category are poor choices for a healthy eating plan.

The former Food Guide Pyramid was replaced in April of 2005, providing a new set of tools that is called “My Pyramid”, and is based on caloric requirements instead.

In order to follow the minimum amount of servings for every group in the diabetic food pyramid, you would be eating approximately 1600 calories per day. At the upper end of the food pyramid’s caloric range, expect to eat around 2800 calories. Generally it is women who eat on the lower end of the range, with men eating on the middle to high end of the range, depending on their activity level. The number of servings that you need can vary, but generally depends on your personal goals with diabetes, in addition to nutritional and caloric needs, the type of lifestyle that you live, and what foods you actually enjoy eating. You can divide the number of necessary servings among all the various snacks and meals that you consume daily.

The diabetic food pyramid is different from the Food Guide Pyramid put out by the USDA in that it groups foods based on the levels of carbohydrates and proteins, rather than by food classification. Portion sizes also tend to be different, in order to have similar carbohydrate content for each individual serving. Examples of this are cheese, which can be found in the meat group rather than in its typical home in dairy, and potatoes can be found in the starchy foods group rather than with the rest of the vegetables. These differences have been created in order to make the carbohydrate levels approximately equal between each food group.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Food serving that right for you

Here is about food serving that right for us.

So What's Your Caloric Limit?
You need to have enough calories every day in order for your body to have the nutrients it needs. How many calories that actually amounts to depends on a variety of factors including your:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Size
  • Activity level
  • Whether or not you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman
  • Whether you have a chronic illness

The National Academy of Sciences recommends the following calorie categories:

1,600 calories - Many sedentary women and some older adults

2,200 calories - Children, teenage girls, active women and many sedentary men.

Women who are pregnant may need around 500 calories more per day and an additional 300 calories for breast-feeding.

2,800 calories - Teenage boys, active men and very active women

It’s possible that you may be between calorie categories on the chart. If you are then you will need to estimate servings. For example, some less active women may need only 2,000 calories to maintain a healthy weight. If you are at this calorie level, 8 servings from the grain group would be about right.

How Many Servings Are Right For You?
Now that you know how many calories are suggested, you can address the question of how many servings of each food group you need. Here’s a chart that can help:

About 1,600
About 2,200
About 2,800
Grain Group servings 6 9 11
Vegetable Group Servings 3 4 5
Fruit Group servings 2 3 4
Milk Group Servings 2-3 2-3 2-3
Meat Group 5 6 7

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Amount you can feed your sweet tooth

Above about amount that you can feed your sweet tooth.

How Much Can You Feed Your Sweet Tooth?
Sugars found naturally in fruits and milk are not a problem. It's the added sugars that need to be limited because they provide calories but few vitamins and minerals. You'll find sugar-laden food at the top of the Food Pyramid. Added sugars can be found in soft drinks, candy, jams, jellies, syrups and table sugar we add to coffee and cereal. Added sugar can also appear in sweetened yogurt, soups, spaghetti sauces, applesauce and other items where you wouldn't suspect it unless you check the list of ingredients.

Here are some guidelines for added sugar based on calories in the daily food choices:

1,600 calories - Limit sugar to 6 teaspoons per day or 22 grams per day
2,200 calories - Limit sugar to 12 teaspoons per day or 44 grams per day
2,800 calories - Limit sugar to 18 teaspoons per day or 66 grams per day

Food Pyramid categories

Here's about food pyramid categories from base.

Bread, Grain, Cereal and Pasta Form the Base
At the base of the food pyramid, you will see the group that contains breads, grains, cereals and pastas. These foods provide complex carbohydrates, which are an important source of energy, especially for a low-fat meal plan. You can make many low-fat choices from foods in this group. You’ll need 6 to 11 servings of these foods in a day. One serving of this group can be:

  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1/2 cup of rice, cooked cereal or pasta
  • 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal
  • 1 flat tortilla

Try to eat whole-grain breads, cereal and pasta for most of your servings from this group. Whole-grain foods (which are made with whole wheat flour) are less processed and retain more valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber than foods made with white flour. When you purchase whole-grain foods, look for breads and pastas with "stoneground whole wheat flour" as the first ingredient, because some "wheat" breads may be white breads with only caramel coloring added.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients. Many are excellent sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, folate or potassium. They are low in fat and sodium and high in fiber. The Food Pyramid suggests 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. One serving of vegetables can be:

  • 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
  • 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or raw
  • 3/4 cup of vegetable juice

The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 4 servings of fruit each day. One serving of fruit can be:

  • One medium apple, orange or banana
  • 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked or canned fruit
  • 3/4 cup of fruit juice

Count only 100% fruit juice as a fruit, and limit juice consumption. Many commercial bottled juices come in containers that hold more than 2 servings – which can add lots of sugar and calories to your daily diet. Punches, ades and most fruit "drinks" have only a bit of juice and lots of sugar. Fruit sodas are sugary drinks, and they don’t count as fruit, either.

Beans, Eggs, Lean Meat and Fish
Meat, poultry and fish supply protein, iron and zinc. Non-meat foods such as dried peas and beans also provide many of these nutrients. The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 3 servings of cooked meat, fish or poultry. Each serving should be between 2 and 3 ounces. The following foods count as one ounce of meat:

  • One egg
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup cooked dry beans
  • 1/3 cup of nuts

Choose lean meat, fish and dry beans and peas often because these are the lowest in fat. Remove skin from poultry and trim away visible fat on meat. Avoid frying these foods. Moderation is the watchword when it comes to nuts because they are high in fat.

Dairy Products
Products made with milk provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. The Food Pyramid suggests 2 to 3 servings each day. If you are breastfeeding, pregnant, a teenager or a young adult age 24 or under, try to have 3 servings. Most other people should have 2 servings daily. Interestingly, cottage cheese is lower in calcium that most other cheeses - one cup counts as only 1/2 serving of milk. Go easy on high-fat cheese and ice cream. Choose non-fat milk and yogurt and cheeses made from skim milk because they are lowest in fat.

Fats and Sweets
A food pyramid's tip is the smallest part, so the fats and sweets in the top of the Food Pyramid should comprise the smallest percentage of your daily diet. The foods at the top of the food pyramid should be eaten sparingly because they provide calories but not much in the way of nutrition. These foods include salad dressings, oils, cream, butter, margarine, sugars, soft drinks, candies and sweet desserts.

Talks about food pyramid

Above is about food pyramid.

The Food Pyramid, developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), is an excellent tool to help you make healthy food choices. The food pyramid can help you choose from a variety of foods so you get the nutrients you need, and the suggested serving sizes can help you control the amount of calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar or sodium in your diet.

Key concept:
  • use the food pyramid to guide your choices
  • choose lowfat dairy and lean meat
  • limit saturated fat to 10% of your calories
  • base fat intake on calorie needs

Fats and sweets:
Eat Sparingly

Dairy: Get your

Veggie & fruits:
Good source of

What is serving
and portion?

USDA Food Pyramid

Protein: Meat
with less fat

Grains, pasta, &
source of energy
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