Sunday, May 31, 2009

The main focus of diet

Here's about the main focus of diet.

Dr. Fuhrman's food pyramid reflects his belief that "protective fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts" should "be the main focus of the diet." He disagrees with health authorities who advise Americans to add more servings of fruits and vegetables to our diet. He writes, "Thinking about our diet in this fashion doesn't adequately address the problem. Instead of thinking of adding those protective fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts to our disease-causing diet, the foods must be the main focus of the diet itself."

According to Dr. Fuhrman, the Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of 51% refined and processed foods, 42% dairy and animal products, and only 7% fruits and vegetables. A recipe for disaster.

Eating a diet that consists of mostly plant-based foods, i.e. vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts, allows us to add a few servings of food to our diet as condiments. Occasionally, we can enjoy foods that are not plant-based and still follow a nutrient-dense, low-calorie and low-fat, disease-proofing diet.

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