Monday, July 13, 2009

While pregnant avoid six things

Here's 6 things must avoid while pregnant.

1. Unhealthy eating habits - eat a well-balanced diet, paying attention to the recommendations of the food pyramid. Drink more milk, or foods that substitute for milk, and eat a little extra protein. If you don’t eat several servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, take a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid.

2. Substances that may be dangerous for you and your baby, such as cigarettes, alcohol, and street drugs. Do not take any medications, even over-the-counter medications, unless you have discussed them with your health care provider.

3. Inactivity. Keep moving and working out. Just because you are pregnant does not mean that your exercise regime stops. Continue exercise programs that you were doing before you became pregnant according to the recommendations of your health care provider. If you were not exercising before becoming pregnant, consider yoga, pilates, walking or swimming.

4. Overwork. Get plenty of rest. Listen to your body to determine if you need short breaks during the day and to determine how many hours of sleep you need at night.

5. Stress and worry. Try to minimize the stress in your life and practice stress management techniques such as slow, deep breathing and relaxing various muscle groups when you feel under stress. You can learn these techniques and other strategies for relaxation in childbirth education classes.

6. Becoming overly critical of your body. Enjoy this special time in your life! Have confidence in your body’s ability to grow, nourish, and give birth to this baby as women have done for centuries. Learn as much as possible about the wonderful ways that your body is changing and about how your baby is growing. Enjoy this miraculous time in your life and let go of the judgment!

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