Saturday, October 9, 2010

Vegetarian Food Pyramid

Above thought about vegetarian food pyramid.

All food pyramids are not equal. The beloved “USDA Food Pyramid” we all grew up and is reminded every day in school, not meeting the nutritional needs and wishes of vegetarians and vegans. Two reasons why many people fall off the “wagon vegetarian” are, people do not “feel full” or people who get sick on a vegetarian diet The main causes of these two symptoms of sickness vegetarianism based on a theme; . lack of food and nutritional supplements to support the body. Many times, vegetarians do not know how to eat properly, so that makes them feel sick or not feeling full and satisfied with the food they are consuming. This leads to fill vegetarian veggie burgers, pre-packaged foods, pizzas, sandwiches, cheese and junk food, just to try to satisfy their hunger, while sacrificing their health.

To avoid failing in his vegetarian lifestyle and diet to prevent vegetarians and vegans to eat too much of the wrong types of food (ie, veggie burgers, meat alternatives to soy and carbohydrates) and to prevent vegetarians get sick, here is a vegetarian food pyramid to empower vegetarians and vegans with food should focus on eating every day to support your body and its appetites.

Vegetables and fruits – the basis of a vegetarian diet should be vegetables, hence the word “vegetarian.” Vegetarians should eat at least 6 servings a day of vegetables and fruits. This is very important because the plant kingdom provides many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that vegetarians and vegans need to provide your body with energy and vitamins to support growth and cell development. Avoid canned fruits and vegetables because these products do not add much value to the body. Instead, choose to eat fresh or lightly steamed vegetables to maximize the health benefits of the plant kingdom has to offer. Vegetables and fruits are also full of fiber and are an excellent way to naturally cleanse the body. Vegetarians will be surprised how much energy you can feel with just eating vegetables and fruits. – Pasta, rice, grains, cereals and bread Remember that a couple of years, everyone was, “carbohydrates? Against” During that time, carbohydrates caught a bad reputation. The trick is to eat complex carbohydrates in moderation. As a vegetarian beans and pasta are staples of this diet without meat. Vegetarians and vegans should not delete this important fuel in their diets. Just be sure to eat at least 4 servings per day to support brain function and provide your body the amino acids -. legumes (beans), seeds, nuts and dried fruits Beans are a great source of healthy fats, fiber and protein to a vegetarian diet. 3 parts is the ideal number of vegetarians and vegans should eat to balance your diet without meat. Try to avoid canned beans because these grains are filled with preservatives and salt. To really get the most nutritional value of beans, use dried beans slowly cooked in a Crock-Pot Meat Alternatives -. meat alternatives like veggie burgers, textured vegetable protein (TVP), tempeh, tofu, seitan and should be limited about 2 servings per day. It is better to eat tofu, seitan, tempeh and then processing is to eat “fake meat” products in the market for sweets. The less processed foods, the more nutrients for vegetarians and vegans get meat – alternatives. Fats, oils Incorporate fats, sweets, and oils to your vegetarian or vegan use sparingly. When the selection of fats and oils from eating or cooking, try to select the healthier fats like avocado and olive oil. You can apply the same principle for sweets. Try using agave or applesauce as a sweetener instead of sugar. If the sugar is all you have access to sample the cuisine of raw sugar cane.

If you are a vegetarian who consumes dairy products and eggs and lacto-ovo vegetarian, then you want to make sure they are eating no more than 3 servings of dairy products like cheese and milk. If you eat eggs, then you should eat eggs in moderation. Only 2 to 3 times per week.

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