Saturday, July 18, 2009

Power of nutrition

Here’s about the healing power of nutrition is a goverment secret.

Milk protein can turn cancer on and off in lab rats. Milk has been linked to osteoporosis and prostate cancer. Why does the U.S.D.A. food pyramid recommend 3 cups of milk a day for all adults?

Higher animal protein intake has been proven to increase breast and other cancers. Why does the federal government continue to subsidize feed grains for dairy and beef production?

Plant based diets have been proven in peer-reviewed published studies to reverse diabetes, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis and various common ailments, among other diseases. Why has the government failed to subsidize the cost of fruits and vegetables for consumers?

The answer, according to T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Columbia University, is complex. Nutrition is given short shrift because it is confusing and poorly understood by the public, and research funding is scarce. In addition, doctors are not trained in nutrition, and he claims, don’t know any more than the general public. He points to the National Institutes of Health which consist of 27 institutes for the study of diseases but none for the study of nutrition, which has been proven to prevent, suspend or reverse over 18 separate chronic degenerative diseases.

Dr. Campbell laments that nutrition is systematically ignored by the medical community and government by creating diversions in the form of dietary fads. These include:

Vitamins and supplements – Research shows that most are ineffective but, according to Dr. Campbell, are popularized by corporations profiting from the self-help movement.

Gene risk assessments – Dr. Campbell’s research shows that a plant based diet will trump any genetic predisposition to disease. However, research funds are pouring into gene research rather than nutrition research because it’s driven by pharmaceutical companies hoping to produce customized drugs with side effects which will treat symptoms but not solve the problem.

Biological individuality – While he admits that each individual is different, Dr. Campbell says that people respond differently by degree but not qualitatively. A whole food, plant based diet will have the same positive effect on everyone.

High protein, low carb diets – This fad is directly contrary to research.

Low fat diets – Dr. Campbell was on the government panel in the early 80’s that recommended low fat diet guidelines and he says now that it was a mistake. “You can’t just reduce fat and still consume the wrong kind of food,” i.e., animal protein.

Grass-fed animal products – His research shows that the nutrient composition of grass fed animals is only slightly better, and although there has been no research, he believes that the health difference would be minimal.

Who is responsible for creating these distractions from nutrition-based treatments of disease? Dr. Campbell points the finger at the food and drug industries that have corrupted national policy and states that it is “alarming how they corrupt thinking and the science.” The system he says is “more about making money for the few, than the health of the many.”

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